#MeFirst Movement LIVE starting June 18th

Welcome to the "Me First" movement, a powerful 8-week journey designed to help you reconnect with your true, authentic self and embrace a life of self-care and empowerment. Each week, we'll explore different themes and techniques to help you prioritize your own needs and well-being, creating lasting positive change in your life.  

What You'll Experience:

  1. Week 1 - Life Wheel Assessment: Gain a holistic view of your life and identify areas for growth and balance. 
  2. Week 2 - Core Values Discovery: Uncover and align with your deepest values to live more authentically.  
  3. Week 3 - Authentic Self-Reconnection: Come home to your true self and embrace your unique identity. 
  4. Week 4 - Mindset Shifts:  Transform limiting beliefs and cultivate a positive, growth-oriented mindset. 
  5. Week 5 - Mindful Parenting Techniques: Learn strategies to be present and emotionally attuned with your children. 
  6. Week 6 - Effective Communication: Develop skills for clear, compassionate, and impactful communication. 
  7. Week 7 - Setting Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries to protect your time, energy, and well-being. 
  8. Week 8 - Gottman Techniques: Master the gentle startup for conflict resolution and nurturing relationships.  

"Leaving a Legacy  and  Teaching our children the importance of self-care is essential. By modeling these practices, we equip them with the tools to regulate their own emotions and maintain mental health. This is crucial in preventing severe mental health issues and suicidal ideation in the future."

Courtney Cote

What We Know...


Science and research support the idea that moms taking care of themselves first can lead to thriving children. When mothers prioritize their own self-care and well-being, it positively impacts their mental health, emotional well-being, and overall happiness. This, in turn, allows them to be more present and emotionally attuned to their children. Modeling self-care practices also teaches children the importance of taking care of themselves and equips them with the tools to regulate their own emotions and maintain good mental health.


ME FIRST LIVE is starting June 18th

I Am Ready To Put ME FIRST

About Me...

Courtney exemplifies intentional living through daily practices aligned with her core values. She prioritizes health and vitality by incorporating mindful exercises and nutritious choices into her routine. Gratitude is a cornerstone of her life, expressed through daily reflections on positive moments. Unconditional love guides her interactions, fostering deep connections with her family and community

Courtney's emphasis on values-based living extends to encouraging mothers to align their choices with what truly matters to them. By incorporating these modern and evidence-backed techniques into her advocacy, she empowers mothers to navigate the demands of parenthood while fostering inner peace, love, and joy in their daily lives.


ME FIRST LIVE is starting June 18th

I Am Ready To Put ME FIRST


By nurturing their own well-being, moms can create a positive and healthy environment for their children to thrive in both now and in the future. The #MeFirst movement is a powerful 8-week journey designed to help moms reconnect with their true selves and prioritize self-care, leading to lasting positive change in their lives and the lives of their children. Join us on this transformative journey and embrace the importance of self-care for both you and your children. Together, let's create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life for moms and their families.

Pay in full


ME FIRST LIVE is starting June 18th

Understand the foundation of self-love / self-care and a new skill set for loving yourself unconditionally.