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#MeFirst movement: An 8-Week Transformation Journey:star2: 

We start on June 18th 2024
Welcome to the "Me First" movement, a powerful 8-week journey designed to help you reconnect with your true, authentic self and embrace a life of self-care and empowerment. Each week, we'll explore different themes and techniques to help you prioritize your own needs and well-being, creating lasting positive change in your life.  What You'll Experience:
What You'll Experience:
  • Week 1 - Life Wheel Assessment: Gain a holistic view of your life and identify areas for growth and balance. 
  • Week 2 - Core Values Discovery: Uncover and align with your deepest values to live more authentically.  
  • Week 3 - Authentic Self-Reconnection: Come home to your true self and embrace your unique identity. 
  • Week 4 - Mindset Shifts:  Transform limiting beliefs and cultivate a positive, growth-oriented mindset. 
  • Week 5 - Mindful Parenting Techniques: Learn strategies to be present and emotionally attuned with your children. 
  • Week 6 - Effective Communication: Develop skills for clear, compassionate, and impactful communication. 
  • Week 7 - Setting Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries to protect your time, energy, and well-being. 
  • Week 8 - Gottman Techniques: Master the gentle startup for conflict resolution and nurturing relationships.