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Moms Circle

Learn how I help moms find peace, joy and connection.

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From Personal Growth to
Empowering Motherhood:

The Journey of Courtney Cote

In the intricate tapestry of life, Courtney emerges as a beacon of hope and transformation, dedicated to empowering mothers and breaking generational cycles.  Born with an indomitable spirit, she embarked on a lifelong odyssey of self-discovery and healing that would ultimately shape her into the professional mom, coach, and advocate for maternal well-being we know today.


My divine mission is to help transform lives and to eliminate suicide.

Join the Transformation

If you're a mom seeking to eliminate stress, overwhelm, and burnout, while replacing them with peace, joy, and a deeper connection with your children, Courtney is here to guide you. Join the transformative journey today!

Contact Courtney to explore how she can help you on your path to peace, joy, and connection.


About Courtney’s Mission

Courtney, the heart and soul of Transforming Lives Coaching, is on a divine mission to eliminate suicide. She believes in creating a community of moms and parents, united in their journey to enhance the way they love, nurture, teach, and connect with their children. By fostering strong bonds and values, they ensure that "suicidal ideation" never becomes a part of their children's lives.

A Personal Journey of Resilience:
The Power of Values:
The Healing Journey:

Courtney's mission is deeply personal. Growing up, she witnessed her dad's struggles with mental health and suicidal thoughts. Raised in a challenging environment marked by divorce, alcoholism, and depression, Courtney's childhood experiences drove her to seek understanding and healing.

Her dad, a Marine, instilled the importance of values and positivity in her life. From an early age, they explored the alphabet of positive words together, emphasizing the significance of gratitude. Courtney learned to carry gratitude in her heart, finding joy and happiness in the present moment.

Understanding her dad's struggles, Courtney embarked on a path of personal development. She undertook emotional boot camps, therapy, and coaching, including working with Tony Robbins. Her commitment to not settling for the ordinary and striving for an extraordinary life was a driving force.

About Courtney’s Mission

Courtney, the heart and soul of Transforming Lives Coaching, is on a divine mission to eliminate suicide. She believes in creating a community of moms and parents, united in their journey to enhance the way they love, nurture, teach, and connect with their children. By fostering strong bonds and values, they ensure that "suicidal ideation" never becomes a part of their children's lives.

A Personal Journey of Resilience:

Courtney's mission is deeply personal. Growing up, she witnessed her dad's struggles with mental health and suicidal thoughts. Raised in a challenging environment marked by divorce, alcoholism, and depression, Courtney's childhood experiences drove her to seek understanding and healing.

The Power of Values:

Her dad, a Marine, instilled the importance of values and positivity in her life. From an early age, they explored the alphabet of positive words together, emphasizing the significance of gratitude. Courtney learned to carry gratitude in her heart, finding joy and happiness in the present moment.

The Healing Journey:

Understanding her dad's struggles, Courtney embarked on a path of personal development. She undertook emotional boot camps, therapy, and coaching, including working with Tony Robbins. Her commitment to not settling for the ordinary and striving for an extraordinary life was a driving force.

The Heart of Connection:
The Art of Validation:
Choosing our Values:

Courtney has faced loss, witnessing friends and family members take their own lives. Her journey through pain, trauma, and healing has fueled her desire to help others find solace, connection, and healing.

Through her own journey, Courtney learned the art of validation over problem-solving. She realized that sometimes, all someone needs is to be heard, seen, and acknowledged in their pain.

Courtney believes that our true identity lies in the values we choose to embody. She stands for love, light, forgiveness, and unconditional love.

Media Appearance

Your Health, Your Story - podcast

Story of a Mother’s Resilience with Courtney Cote

Breaking generational trauma cycles is incredibly difficult. Despite a turbulent upbringing, our guest today channels her experiences into creating tools for family connection and mental health discussions. She is a shining example of resilience and maternal empowerment, guiding others toward self-discovery and the joy of living their best lives.

Listen to the podcast
The Heart of Connection:

Courtney has faced loss, witnessing friends and family members take their own lives. Her journey through pain, trauma, and healing has fueled her desire to help others find solace, connection, and healing.

The Art of Validation:

Through her own journey, Courtney learned the art of validation over problem-solving. She realized that sometimes, all someone needs is to be heard, seen, and acknowledged in their pain.

Choosing our Values:

Courtney believes that our true identity lies in the values we choose to embody. She stands for love, light, forgiveness, and unconditional love.

Placemats designed with intention

The Magic of Family Dinners: Growing up, Courtney experienced the magic of family dinners, where love, connection, and meaningful conversations flourished. Research shows that regular family meals have profound benefits for children's well-being. This is one of the reasons why she created the Mood for Thought Placemats.


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